Let’s warm up to @ateez_official_ concert in Copenhagen together and have fun at our event ~
Event is hosted by @thekorner_dk & @tealicious_cafe !
Tea:licious Café
Studiestræde 21, 1455 kbh k
Studiestræde 12, 1455 kbh k
(The 2 locations are across the street from each other)
🕛Dates and time:
13th, 14th & 15th February
Opening hours can be found on the first slide!

– Purchase a special ATEEZ bubble tea to receive some super cute & special ATEEZ freebies shown on the second slide! (Stickers designed by @skrukketrold)
– The café & shop will be decorated with lots of pretty pictures of the members with a Valentine theme 🌹💘
– Write a message on our message wall to encourage them and wish them well on their tour ~
– TheKorner will be selling a bunch of cute ATEEZ merchandise + LOTS of official photocards and albums!
– Meet other ATINYs and scream about the concert together 🤭
– Grab a banner for the concert (fanproject hosted by @bloomprojectsdk)

🏆 Social Media Content Event Info:
– Participate in the competition by posting a reel/tiktok about you coming to our ateez event!
– Examples: your trip towards the shop, your bubble tea, the freebies you got, the decorations, anything you bought, etc. (Feel free to add your concert experience as well)
– We will be reposting all entries, so make sure you’re comfortable with your content being shared!
– Remember to tag us IG: @thekorner_dk (@/thekornerdk on tiktok) to enter!
– Use the hashtag: #ATEEZTowardsTheKorner in your post
– The 3 winners will be chosen by us after the event ends
– You can post your entry until February 20th
– We will contact the winners directly through DM on february 21st.
– Make sure your account is public, or we won’t be able to see/repost your entry!
– This event has no association with instagram/meta or tiktok
We can’t wait to see all your adventures and experiences in Copenhagen and at our event 😍
Hope to see you there, and at the concert!!